So January has been quite an eventful month for us. Starting off on Jan 1 I took a graceful fall while taking Christmas lights off my fence and injured my tailbone pretty bad. So while I was home "recovering" Jaxton was very concerned about my Butt hurting. Everywhere we would go he would say: "Moms butt hurt"!!
So as I was starting to feel a little bit better, I decided I could ride Kaytlin's electric scooter home from my friends down the street!!Which I probably looked alot like this!!

WELL, what was I thinking?? As I started down the driveway I was pushing the throttle and "BAM" all of a sudden I was being launched over the handle bars!!!
I cant decide if it wasnt charged all the way or I (being the cautious driver I am) was using the brake!! So as I was sprawled on my neighbors driveway I noticed my only injury was a cut Knee!! THANK GOODNESS, my tailbone was safe!! So now Jax is concerend with my BUTT and my KNEE!! What a funny boy he is!! Needless to say I am keeping 2 feet on the ground at all times and hoping this isnt a sign of what is to come for 2010!!