I have been such a slacker on my blog lately and with the camera. Honestly ever since Jed bought me my little Flip Video, I'm becoming very fond of little video clips,AND they make it much more fun for The Parents in Cambodia. My mom said that it felt just like they were at the ball game with all the screaming in the background.
So.. We have been sooo busy with baseball, it seems like all I do is wash/hand scrub baseball uniforms and load/unload my car with chairs. It has been alot of fun and Kyler has learned sooo much. He has turned out to be a great little catcher as well.
Summer is flying by.. We are done with Relay for Life.... YIPEE!! It is such an amazing thing to be involved in but ALOT of sleepness nights. We actually did really well this year, raising about $35,000!! I can't believe June is almost over, My parents are almost on the 5 month mark for their mission, only 13 more to go!!(who's counting anyway?) I can't wait to go there!!